Baldur's Gate III Gets a Retro Makeover, Runs on 40-Year-Old Laptop

A developer has demade Baldur's Gate III into an 8-bit masterpiece, playable on a vintage TRS-80 Model 100 laptop. Relive gaming history!

Developer Demakes Baldur's Gate III for a 40-Year-Old Laptop

A developer has turned Baldur's Gate III into an 8-bit game that runs on a 40-year-old laptop.

Baldur's Gate III

Developer Alex Bowen has created a demake of the popular RPG, complete with black and white pixel graphics, simplified environments, text-based dialogue menus and cutscenes, and even a turn-based combat system. To top it off, he designed it to run on a TRS-90 Model 100 laptop, which was originally released in 1983. The machine boasts a 2.4 MHz processor, a few kilobytes of RAM, and a 240x62 pixel LCD screen.

The demake, titled "Mol," is available for free download for anyone curious to try it out. For those who prefer their gaming experiences a little more modern, official mod support for Baldur’s Gate III is expected to arrive this fall.

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