HUAWEI Predicts 90% of Smartphones Will Have AI by 2030

HUAWEI Executives: AI Coming to 9 Out of 10 Smartphones Soon

HUAWEI, during its recent HDC 2024 developer conference, unveiled its own suite of AI features called Harmony Intelligence, set to be available on devices running its HarmonyOS NEXT operating system. The company's top executives also shared their vision for the future of AI integration in smartphones.


HUAWEI HarmonyOS Intelligence

HUAWEI Executive Director Wang Tao believes that AI-powered smartphones will account for 11% of all smartphone shipments this year. He expects this figure to skyrocket to 90% by 2030. Tao stated that the integration of large language models (LLMs) and basic AI functions will become standard in all smartphones within the next couple of years.


"We will soon see a huge surge in AI-generated traffic," Tao emphasized. "5G-A networks will be able to provide faster speeds, lower latency, and higher bandwidth to meet the network requirements of the AI era."

It is worth noting that HUAWEI has already begun integrating AI into its devices, starting with its flagship PURA 70 series.

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