Steam Beta Update: Game Recording Now Available for Testing

Steam's New Feature: Don't Miss Your Latest Gameplay Highlights!

Steam continues to roll out new user features, and the latest addition lets you record and share gameplay clips directly within the launcher!


Introducing Game Recording

Currently available in Steam Beta, Game Recording empowers players to capture recent gameplay highlights. Users can also quickly edit these clips and share them with friends. This background recording feature continuously captures footage, allowing users to customize the duration and storage space allocated for recordings. The update is available on Steam Deck as well.

Valve claims that background gameplay recording minimizes resource consumption, ensuring minimal impact on game performance. NVIDIA and AMD graphics cards are said to deliver the best results. While a public release date remains unknown, Valve encourages user feedback during this beta phase to further enhance the system.


To try out Game Recording, navigate to your Steam settings, access the "Interface" tab, and opt into the Steam Beta program.

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