Best Junglers for Beginners in League of Legends

Learn about the best junglers for beginners in League of Legends, including Amumu, Nocturne, Sejuani, and Vi.

Entering the world of League of Legends as a jungler can be challenging. You're responsible for farming, ganking, warding, and objective control. This guide highlights some of the best junglers for beginners.

Best Junglers for Beginners in League of Legends

Best Beginner Junglers



Amumu is a consistently strong choice for beginners. His clear is relatively easy, often starting at Raptors without needing a leash. This allows laners to focus on minions. His Q and ultimate provide excellent crowd control, making ganks effective.



Nocturne offers high snowball potential. While requiring some practice to master, his ultimate allows for impactful ganks. Balancing farming and ganking is crucial for success with this champion.



Sejuani is a tanky jungler, ideal for those who prefer a more durable playstyle. Her crowd control abilities, including a knockback and ultimate, offer strong defensive options while ganking.



Vi is a bruiser jungler with high damage output and good clear speed. Her Q provides mobility, while her ultimate makes ganking relatively straightforward. Landing her Q skillshot can be tricky, but mastering it makes her a powerful pick.

These are just a few of the best junglers for beginners in League of Legends. Good luck on the Rift!

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