The upcoming Apple A20 Pro chip, reportedly built using TSMC's advanced 2nm process, is rumored to be featured in the iPhone 18 Pro and iPhone 18 Pro Max. However, while reports suggest a 70% cost increase for the new chip, these price estimates are being met with skepticism.
The A20 Pro's Estimated Cost
According to Economic Daily News, the A20 Pro's price is expected to rise from $50 to $85, a 70% increase. However, analysts question this figure, noting that previous-generation chips such as the A17 Pro and A16 Bionic were estimated to cost Apple significantly more ($130 and $110 per unit respectively).
Given that TSMC's 2nm wafers are anticipated to cost $30,000, it seems unlikely that Apple would be able to mass-produce the A20 Pro at just $85 per unit. Market research firm TD Cowen's estimate of $45 for the A18 Pro seems equally unrealistic.
TSMC's CyberShuttle
TSMC is reportedly introducing a new technique called 'CyberShuttle' to reduce costs by allowing multiple companies to evaluate their chips on the same test wafer, set to commence April of next year. Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo previously stated that the iPhone 18 series would be the first to receive a 2nm A-series chip, and due to the increased costs associated with them, that not all iPhone 18 models would receive the A20 Pro chip.
Therefore the estimates of $85 for the A20 Pro should be taken with a grain of salt.