Fumito Ueda, the acclaimed director behind classic games such as Shadow of the Colossus, Ico, and The Last Guardian, has unveiled a new, unnamed project with his team genDESIGN.
The new project was revealed through a trailer at The Game Awards Show, published by Epic Games. The trailer showcases Ueda's distinctive style, suggesting we can expect creative gameplay and an emotionally resonant story, as seen in his previous work.
A Return to Form?
Ueda and genDESIGN's last game was the PlayStation 4 title, The Last Guardian, released in 2016 after a lengthy development. A review of the game highlighted the game's unique emotional connection between the player and the creature Trico.
"The Last Guardian offers something I don’t think I’ve ever experienced in games before – a relationship that feels very, very tangible...he feels like a friend." - Anonymous Reviewer
This new project seems to continue Ueda's focus on innovative and emotionally driven experiences. We eagerly await further details.