Honor's MagicBook Art 14, powered by the Snapdragon X Elite processor, is now available in Germany with an enticing offer: a free Android tablet and earbuds for a limited time. This ultra-thin and light laptop boasts a stunning 3.1K 120Hz OLED display and integrated AI capabilities.
Key Features
- Snapdragon X Elite processor: Delivers up to 45 TOPS of AI performance and up to 10.6 hours of battery life.
- 3.1K 120Hz OLED display: Offers vibrant visuals and smooth performance.
- Detachable magnetic webcam: Provides convenient and secure video conferencing.
- Lightweight and thin design: Weighs approximately 1kg and is less than 1cm thick.
The Offer
For a limited time, purchasing the Honor MagicBook Art 14 (32GB RAM/1TB SSD) in Starry Gray from Honor's German website includes:
- A €200 discount, bringing the price down to €1,499 (~$1,585).
- A free pair of Honor Earbuds X6 (white).
- A free Honor Pad 9 tablet (Snapdragon 6 Gen 1, gray).