Huawei has officially launched its Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 rival, the Mate X6, globally. This foldable smartphone boasts a 7.93-inch flexible OLED display with X-True Display technology, enhanced durability with Kunlun Glass 2, triple rear XMAGE cameras, and HarmonyOS productivity features like Live Multi-Task.
The Mate X6 features a "universe-inspired" design and is touted for its compact form, despite housing advanced camera technology. Its Ultra Chroma Camera with 1.50 million spectral channels claims to offer 120% improved color accuracy compared to the Mate X3. Additionally, it includes a 50MP Ultra Aperture Camera.
Key Features
- Main Display: 7.93-inch OLED display with a 2440x2240 resolution
- Cover Display: 6.45-inch with Kunlun Glass 2
- Durability: Aviation-grade aluminum mid-frame and carbon-fiber reinforcements
- Cameras: Ultra Chroma Camera and 50MP Ultra Aperture Camera
- Productivity: Live Multi-Task for split-screen multi-tasking
Pricing and Availability
The Mate X6 will be available worldwide in Nebula Gray, Black, and Red. Pricing was not revealed during its Dubai launch. The phone debuted in China at 12,999 yuan (~$1,787). For comparison, the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 starts at $1,349 on Amazon.
For more details, visit the official Huawei website.