Apple is reportedly planning to bring a higher refresh rate display to the standard iPhone 17, potentially narrowing the gap with its 'Pro' models. Rumors suggest the iPhone 17 will finally adopt ProMotion technology, which has been exclusive to the Pro lineup.
ProMotion Coming to the Standard iPhone 17
The iPhone 16 lineup saw a redesign with a vertical camera module but retained the 60Hz refresh rate on standard models. According to a leak from Digital Chat Station, the standard iPhone 17 is set to receive a display upgrade, including ProMotion technology. This would be the first time Apple has increased the refresh rate on its base iPhone models.
While the specific refresh rate (90Hz or 120Hz) is not confirmed, previous reports suggest Apple might opt for 120Hz panels. ProMotion technology, which enables adaptive refresh rates, has previously only been available on 'Pro' iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks.
LTPO Panels and Always-On Display
Apple is expected to use LTPO (low-temperature polycrystalline oxide) panels across the entire iPhone 17 lineup. LTPO panels enable 120Hz ProMotion and offer greater power efficiency compared to the LTPS (low-temperature polycrystalline silicon) panels used in the iPhone 16 models. The improved efficiency could lead to better battery life.
The use of LTPO panels would also enable an Always-On Display feature on standard iPhone 17 models, allowing for variable refresh rates as low as 1Hz. This feature has previously been reserved for 'Pro' models and would bring features like StandBy to the base models.
This isn't the first time we've heard about this change, with display analyst Ross Young previously corroborating the rumor. It remains to be seen if these changes will cause a price increase for the standard models as the feature gap between standard and pro models is reduced. It's also unknown if Apple will increase the refresh rate on the 'Pro' models to 144Hz.