ASUS Q-Release Graphics Card Damage Reports: Wear and Tear or Serious Issue
Reports of GPU damage with ASUS Q-Release motherboards are circulating. ASUS responds to concerns, citing minor wear and tear.
Rumors and photos have emerged regarding ASUS motherboards and their Q-Release feature. Concerns are rising about whether this tool-less PCIe release mechanism is damaging graphics cards. Some users report GPU damage after using ASUS's Q-Release. ASUS has addressed these concerns, but questions remain. ASUS' Official Position: "Just a Little Wear and Tear" ASUS released a statement downplaying damage reports. Internal tests reveal only "minor scratches or wear" even after repeated use, according to ASUS. They state some wear is normal for PCIe slots over time, and Q-Release is not an exception. A key part of their official response is: "By following these guidelines, the new design performs similarly to traditional PCIe slots, leaving only usage marks under normal usage frequency. In our internal testing and evaluation of the extremely small number of cases reported we found no damage to the motherboard or graphics card that would affect functionalit…