A fake Baldur's Gate 3 mobile port scam has surfaced on the iOS App Store, alongside other knock-off games. This scam seeks to exploit the popularity of AAA titles like Baldur's Gate 3 to trick unsuspecting gamers into downloading malicious apps and signing up for costly subscriptions.
The Baldur's Gate 3 Mobile Scam
A fraudulent app titled "Baldur's Gate 3 – Mobile Turuk," released in November 2024, is designed to deceive players. It is listed as a free application but lures players into a useless subscription:
- The app uses a bogus description, claiming it will allow players to create characters or choose from pre-made "Origin" characters, much like the actual game.
- The store page displays official Baldur’s Gate 3 screenshots with fake mobile control overlays to appear legitimate.
- The real goal is to trick players into signing up for a 30-day subscription priced at $29.99, which does not unlock any game access.
- The app's terms of service reveal that it collects various user data, including IP addresses.
How to Stay Safe
Larian Studios has previously stated that a Baldur's Gate 3 mobile port is not currently in development. Therefore, it's essential to stay vigilant against these types of scams. Gamers should always rely on official sources and avoid downloading apps from unknown or questionable developers.
Key Takeaways:
- Be wary of free apps promising full versions of AAA games.
- Verify the source of apps before downloading. Look for the official developer listing.
- Be skeptical of subscriptions with vague features or suspicious terms of service.
- Refer to official developer or publisher announcements for confirmation of any mobile game releases.
Protect Yourself
These fake app scams can lead to financial loss, data theft, and malware infections. It's crucial to stay informed and cautious in the mobile gaming landscape. Remember, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Source: VideoGamer