Game Kiddy is reportedly preparing to launch the GKD Pixel 2, a new version of their popular GKD Pixel handheld gaming device. Expected to arrive later this month, the GKD Pixel 2 promises several upgrades over its predecessor, including an enhanced display and a more powerful chipset capable of emulating PlayStation Portable (PSP) games.
GKD Pixel 2: What's New?
The original GKD Pixel, which debuted over 18 months ago with a 2.4-inch 4:3 display, received praise for its compact form factor and capabilities. Now, the second-generation model, the GKD Pixel 2, is on the horizon. While full specifications haven't been released, key changes, teased by RetroCN and Retro Dodo include:
- An improved display
- A faster SoC with the ability to emulate PlayStation Portable games
- A working sleep mode
Price and Availability
The GKD Pixel 2 is expected to be priced between $70 and $80, similar to its predecessor. It will be available in various colors, including black, green, purple, and red, along with limited edition Gold and Cyberpunk-themed options. Pre-orders in China are slated to begin next week, according to Retro Dodo. No global release timeline has been given at the time of writing.
Source(s): Retro Dodo