Renowned game designer and writer Ken Levine, known for BioShock, recently shared insights about his new project, Judas, and his evolving views on game design. In a new interview, Levine expressed his desire to move beyond what he sees as the limitations of past games.
Levine's Critique of BioShock
According to Levine, BioShock was “just a corridor” with scripts and triggers, and not as interactive as he would like it to be. He sees his new project, Judas, as an opportunity to push the boundaries and provide players with greater freedom in how they interact with the game world and story.
The Vision for Judas
Levine emphasized that the development of Judas is focused on "recognizing player actions and reacting to them." This means the game aims to respond to a wide range of player behaviors, even if the responses are just characters observing and commenting. He wants to create a truly interactive experience where player choices directly influence the narrative.
The Challenges of Modern Game Development
Levine also discussed the challenges of modern game development, noting how budgets and technology have made even simple tasks, like designing a door, more complex and time-consuming. He expressed gratitude to Take-Two for allowing him and his small team, Ghost Story Games, the creative freedom to explore these concepts and develop Judas.
AI and Future Technologies
Regarding AI, Levine is cautiously optimistic, stating he is not impressed with many current implementations but is still open to exploring its potential. He also recognizes AI as a tool that can evolve with time.
Release Information
Judas does not have an official release date. However, the game is expected to be released on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series platforms.