Irrational Games, known for the acclaimed BioShock series, was unable to continue the franchise after the release of BioShock Infinite. Former studio head Ken Levine has now opened up about the reasons for the studio's closure.
Leadership Challenges
In an interview with Edge Magazine, Ken Levine discussed the challenging development process of BioShock Infinite. He admitted to struggling with his leadership role after the success of the first BioShock. This transition to management, combined with personal difficulties, led him to doubt his own abilities.
“Imagine. You’re a creative person, and suddenly as your vision for the project grows, you have to become a manager, and you don't have any training or skills for this. My mental health was a mess during Infinite. I was stressed, a lot of personal things were happening in my life at that time, and then both my parents died. I just couldn't do it anymore, and I felt like the team didn’t trust me.”
Development and Structural Issues
Irrational Games also faced challenges related to the game's development and the studio's structure. The immediate shift to BioShock Infinite required the rapid hiring of new staff, which led to management difficulties. Following the game's release, even with strong sales, parent company Take-Two was hesitant to keep the studio, despite Levine's appeals for a chance to rebuild.
"This decision was made at the corporate level – they didn't think it was necessary to continue the studio. I think this probably made sense. Take-Two made a remaster of BioShock: it would have been a good description for Irrational to subsequently gather their thoughts, create a new corporate structure, and then develop it when they have confidence that they can make the next BioShock game. I don't think I was in a position to be a good leader for the team."
Levine's New Venture
After Irrational Games closed, Levine embarked on a creative journey with his new studio, Ghost Story Games. He is currently working on a new game called Judas, which does not yet have a release date. However, the game designer has shared some details about it.