Recent leaks about the new Nintendo console have been circulating, and now reputable leaker OnLeaks has shared details about the upcoming device. They released high-quality renders of the Switch 2 and revealed some of its technical specifications.
Design and Dimensions
As expected, the Nintendo Switch 2 maintains the core design concept of its predecessor, with some minor modifications. The console will feature detachable controllers and a similar form factor, but the device will be larger compared to existing models.
Here are the confirmed dimensions:
Console | Width (mm) | Height (mm) | Depth (mm) |
Nintendo Switch 2 (combined) | 271 | 116.4 | 31.4 |
Nintendo Switch OLED (combined) | 241 | 102 | 14 |
Nintendo Switch (original) (combined) | 239 | 102 | 14 |
Nintendo Switch 2 Controller (each) | 116.4 | 40.8 | 31.4 |
Nintendo Switch (original) Controller (each) | 102 | 35.9 | 28.4 |
The Switch 2 will be noticeably larger than both the Switch OLED (241 x 102 x 14 mm) and the original Switch (239 x 102 x 14 mm). The controllers will also increase in size to 116.4 x 40.8 x 31.4 mm each compared to 102 x 35.9 x 28.4 mm for the previous generation.
Display and Other Features
The new console will feature an 8.4-inch screen, compared to the 7-inch display on the Switch OLED and the 6.2-inch screen on the original Switch. The console will retain a 3.5mm headphone jack located on the top edge. A USB Type-C port for charging will also be located near the headphone jack. The back of the console will have a U-shaped kickstand.
Upcoming Release
The leaker did not provide any information regarding the Nintendo Switch 2's processor or other specifications. The console is expected to be officially announced in the near future, with a projected release date sometime in Spring of this year.