NVIDIA RTX VSR Update: Smarter Upscaling, Less GPU Power Enhanced Video Super Resolution

NVIDIA enhances RTX Video Super Resolution (VSR) with smarter upscaling and reduced GPU power consumption.
NVIDIA RTX VSR Update: Smarter Upscaling, Less GPU Power Enhanced Video Super Resolution
Good news for online video viewers concerned about GPU power draw. NVIDIA just rolled out a significant enhancement to its RTX Video Super Resolution, or VSR, technology. The latest update promises better video upscaling and smarter GPU resource management. Let's explore the new features and user benefits. Smarter Upscaling, Less GPU Strain Efficiency is central to this update. NVIDIA has refined the RTX VSR algorithm to be less demanding on your graphics card. NVIDIA states this new model can cut GPU power consumption by up to 30% at the highest quality settings. Enjoy sharper, upscaled video without excessive GPU work. This is a beneficial improvement. Upscaling lower-resolution videos to high-resolution monitors can be GPU-intensive. Depending on quality and hardware, GPU power usage could range from 70W to 240W. This update makes RTX VSR more accessible and less power-hungry. Introducing "Auto" Quality and Manual Control The improved RTX VSR, accessible via System setting…

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