New images have surfaced showcasing the upcoming foldable smartphones from OnePlus and Oppo, expected to be named the OnePlus Open 2 and Oppo Find N5. These devices, rumored to launch next month, are poised to be some of the thinnest foldable smartphones yet, while maintaining a large camera housing and periscope telephoto lens.
Thinner Design
The leaked photos show a significant reduction in thickness compared to previous models such as the OnePlus Open and Oppo Find N3. This focus on thinness is emphasized in recent videos from Oppo, touting 'the thinnest folding flagship'.
The thinner profile makes the frame of the devices more noticeable, but they are still expected to be thinner than most competitors, such as the Pixel 9 Pro Fold and the Galaxy Z Fold6, with the exception of the Magic V3.
Camera Housing
The images also show the new camera housing, which features three lenses and includes a rectangular periscope telephoto lens. Although specific details are still unknown, there are no indications of any hardware downgrades.
Source: @sondesix on Twitter