The SM8735, also known as the Snapdragon 8s Elite, is generating buzz for its impressive performance capabilities. Preliminary data suggests it delivers results comparable to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, particularly in terms of peak power consumption, reaching 200W+.
Chipset Architecture
The SM8735/Snapdragon 8s Elite utilizes a CPU architecture based on X4 cores and A720 cores with a notably high frequency setting. Despite being similar to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, the chip is showing competitive performance.
Upcoming Devices
Several major manufacturers are currently working on new devices powered by this chipset, including:
- Xiaomi
- Redmi
- iQOO
- Honor
These devices are expected to feature various designs and focuses, including ultra-light camera phones and high-performing devices with large batteries. We can tentatively expect to see these new devices start to emerge in April.
Looking Ahead
The introduction of the SM8735/Snapdragon 8s Elite into the market is expected to drive competition, giving consumers new options for high-performance mobile devices. With a variety of approaches from different manufacturers, April is shaping up to be an exciting time for mobile technology.