Xiaomi has announced the global launch date for its Redmi Note 14 series, set for January 10th. The launch will include the Redmi Note 14 Pro Plus 5G, and may also feature the Redmi Note 14 5G, Redmi Note 14 Pro 5G, along with the Redmi Note 14 4G and Redmi Note 14 Pro 4G models.
The Redmi Note 14 series first debuted in China over three months ago, followed by a release in India. The global launch comes just a day after Xiaomi is scheduled to present the Poco X7 and Poco X7 Pro.
Officially, Xiaomi has only confirmed the presence of the Redmi Note 14 Pro Plus 5G. However, given the earlier launches and leaks, it's highly likely that the Redmi Note 14 5G and Redmi Note 14 Pro 5G will also be included in the global release. It is presumed that the global Redmi Note 14 5G will arrive with the same hardware as its Indian counterpart.
Additionally, there are strong indications that the 4G models – Redmi Note 14 4G and Redmi Note 14 Pro 4G – will be officially unveiled on January 10th, based on leaked specifications, images, and prices from the past year. The global release is expected to include the following models:
- Redmi Note 14 4G
- Redmi Note 14 Pro 4G
- Redmi Note 14 5G
- Redmi Note 14 Pro 5G
- Redmi Note 14 Pro Plus 5G
Xiaomi is also expected to launch a few auxiliary devices during the global event.