Lala Barina Battle Guide Conquer the Scarlet Spider in Monster Hunter Wilds

A comprehensive battle guide for Lala Barina in Monster Hunter Wilds. Learn its attacks, weaknesses, strategies, and materials

You're heading into the Scarlet Forest of Monster Hunter Wilds. Something feels off about the water. That unsettling crimson hue is the work of the Lala Barina, a strange and fascinating monster. This scarlet spider is not a mere visual gimmick. It is a potent opponent that paralyzes with silk florets that resemble pretty roses. The Guild wants it gone and you are the Hunter for the job.

Lala Barina Battle Guide Conquer the Scarlet Spider in Monster Hunter Wilds

Know Thy Enemy: The Basics of Lala Barina

Early in Monster Hunter Wilds, you may be limited in gear. For your first fight, preparation is more knowledge than gear. Forget about paralysis-negating items right now. You will rely on lightning reflexes and good old monster-mashing to shake off that status.

A Cheat Sheet For Lala Barina

  • Monster Type: Temnoceran (Spider Family)
  • Elemental Affinity: None
  • Status: Paralysis
  • Primary Weakness: Fire
  • Habitat: Scarlet Forest, Ruins of Wyveria

A Different Kind of Spider

Unlike the huge, intimidating spiders of days gone by like Nerscylla and Rakna-Kadaki, Lala Barina is the one that parties. Think of it as a more elegant, somewhat creepy ballerina. It is quick, agile, and prefers speed and single strikes to lingering engagements. The bright side is no swarms of baby spiders to deal with. It is a straight 1v1 battle.

Combat Strategies: Defeating the Lala Barina

Because this monster is the first one you see in the Low Rank quests, do not worry yourself too much about specific armor skills. Instead, focus on learning Lala Barina's patterns and dodging appropriately in response. You will get your ability to resist paralysis armor later. For now, simply playing well will carry you.

Basic Attacks to Watch Out For

Watch out when Lala Barina's abdomen "blooms" to unleash the rose-like florets. This is the kill zone.

  • Floret Rain: Jumps and spins, dispersing red florets that float down. One little floret hit builds up paralysis penalties. Stay mobile.
  • Arena Bloom: Shakes the monster out in all directions, leaving its florets. Move sideways to avoid it.
  • Den Spin: In its lair, Lala Barina webs the ceiling and spins wildly, unleashing a chaotic floret storm. It is predictable in its chaos but still dangerous.

Other Attacks to Anticipate

Lala Barina is fast and also has some quick close-range attacks not related to flowers.

  • Claw Combos: Two fast claw swipes. Sidestep away to dodge.
  • Leg Kicks: Sudden thrusts with its legs. Pay attention to leg movements and avoid back.
  • Claw Sweep: A claw attack followed by a sweep for the ground. Jump backwards or to the side to dodge.
  • Slam: Lala Barina can rear back before slamming down. It has a slow startup and long recovery, so attack once you dodge.
  • Stinger Stab: It will rear back with its horn ready to pierce and stab you. This is quick and deadly. Especially in bloom stings, it is even deadlier as the bloom makes the stinger all the more difficult to see.

High Rank Adjustments

High Rank is all about speeding up and hard-hitting. New moves are not on the table. Your Low Rank Lala Barina armor, which has been upgraded for decent stats, is a nice place to build from for paralysis resistance. Antipara Jewels would be great. Level 1 sockets will simply reduce paralysis, while level 3 slots grant immunity.

Targeting Weaknesses: Types and Elements of Damage

Lala Barina Damage Type Effectiveness

Part Slash Bludgeon Shot Fire Thunder Ice
Head 🗡️🗡️🗡️ 🔨🔨🔨🔨 🎯🎯🎯 🔥🔥 ❄️
Torso 🗡️🗡️🗡️ 🔨🔨🔨 🎯🎯 🔥 ❄️
Forelegs 🗡️🗡️🗡️ 🔨🔨🔨 🎯🎯 🔥 ❄️
Claws 🗡️🗡️🗡️ 🔨🔨🔨 🎯🎯🎯 🔥 ❄️
Hind legs 🗡️🗡️🗡️ 🔨🔨🔨 🎯🎯 🔥 ❄️
Petals (Bloomed Back) 🗡️🗡️🗡️🗡️ 🔨🔨🔨🔨 🎯🎯🎯 🔥🔥 ❄️
Tail 🗡️🗡️🗡️🗡️ 🔨🔨🔨🔨 🎯🎯🎯 🔥🔥 ❄️

Damage effectiveness: More icons = more damage (4 max, 1 min). Blank = no bonus damage.

Fire Time

The only elemental weakness of Lala Barina is Fire. Luckily, you have already faced Quematrice, which gives you access to fire weapon crafting. If you do not have a Specialized Fire Weapon for your first fight, you will be fine. But if you are in High Rank, fire weapons from Nu Udra or Low Rank Guardian Rathalos are the obvious picks.

Weapon Choice: Surprises Await

In terms of weakness, it is pretty much evenly spread on Slash and Blunt, with Blunt being a tad better on the head. Get whatever weapon style appeals to you. You cannot lose.

Put Fire on the Bloom

When Lala Barina blooms, direct your fire at the back "petals". Breaking that spot removes the cover for its stinger, making the attack much easier to predict and avoid.

Lala Barina Materials: Low & High Rank

High Rank Materials

  • Lala Barina Claw+
  • Lala Barina Floret+
  • Lala Barina Stinger+
  • Lala Barina Carapace
  • Lala Barina Mucus+
  • Monster Broth
  • Lala Barina Certificate S

Low Rank Materials:

  • Lala Barina Claw
  • Lala Barina Floret
  • Lala Barina Stinger
  • Lala Barina Shell
  • Lala Barina Mucus
  • Monster Fluid
  • Lala Barina Certificate

Good luck Hunter. Go forth and conquer the Scarlet Spider.

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