Monster Hunter Wilds Long Sword Guide: Gameplay, Pro Tips, and Low Rank Gear

Master the Long Sword in Monster Hunter Wilds! Learn the basic gameplay loop, pro tips to enhance your skills, and essential

So, you're eying up the Long Sword in Monster Hunter Wilds? Excellent choice The weapon that feels just right – not too slow, not too weak, and definitely with a lot of style. And, come on, who doesn't like the Helm Breaker move where you jump over the monster, only to land and slice? Pure hunter swagger.

Monster Hunter Wilds Long Sword Guide: Gameplay, Pro Tips, and Low Rank Gear

If you're a long-time Monster Hunter player and want to go easy on the hunt, or you're just a novice, Long Sword has your back. It is an advanced weapon if you wish to go into the nitty-gritty, but, surprisingly, the basic patterns are very easy to pick up. So let's get you started all the way to Low Rank and beyond.

Long Sword 101: The Main Gameplay Loop

The Long Sword is all about power building and unleashing it for tons of damage. So here is the rundown:

  1. Charge That Spirit Gauge: Start your swinging Use regular attacks (Y or B on most controllers) to fill up your Spirit Gauge. Like your energy bar for special moves.
  2. Spirit Blade Upgrades: When the gauge is buff, it's Spirit Blade time. Perform the Spirit Blade combo (normally ending in Spirit Roundslash) where scoring that Roundslash lands the final hit and levels up your Spirit Gauge. You can see the color changing as you power up.
  3. Red is Ready! Power Level Maximized: Keep at step 2 until your Spirit Gauge is glowing red – max level Time to rack up some serious hurt.
  4. Helm Breaker Time: RT + Y for Spirit Thrust, RT in the air for the full Spirit Helm Breaker, then RT again for Spirit Release Slash. Kaboom Massive damage and monster flinch (hopefully!).
  5. Repeat and Conquer: That full combo resets your Spirit Gauge, so back to step 1 and keep on looping. Charge, level up, unleash, repeat.

That is the core loop Charge, spend, repeat. Intermix a dodge or two and maybe a counter while you're at it, and you are hunting like a pro. Fast monsters can make charging a bit tricky, but worry not – we have some tricks for this.

Pro Tips to Tighten Your Long Sword Skills

Want to level up your Long Sword game? Here are some handy tricks to know:

  • Roundslash is King (for Leveling): You don't have to land every hit of the Spirit Blade combo to level up your gauge. Just ensure that Spirit Roundslash connects You could even miss the earlier hits and still power up, as long as that final slash lands.
  • Mix in a Few Basic Attacks: Basic attacks are a welcome variation to the Spirit Blade combo. Taking a breather? Wanting to reposition? Doing some basic attacks in between Spirit Blade hits won't break your combo flow and will help you build even more Spirit.
  • Directional Spirit Blade: Did you know that the Spirit Blade attacks change a bit based on which direction you're moving? Dodge and weave while you build your power.
  • Hyperarmour (For the Most Part): Spirit Thrust and Spirit Release Slash grant you hyperarmour Monster just roared in your face? Getting swiped? Keep attacking You'll power through. Watch out, though – Helm Breaker itself doesn't have hyperarmour and can be interrupted.
  • Helm Breaker "Oops" Button: Messed up your Helm Breaker? No worries Press X just before you land to cancel it. You'll conserve Spirit Gauge and get to do it again.
  • Full Spirit for Max Hurt: Best damage Spirit Helm Breaker and Spirit Release Slash are when your Spirit Gauge is maxed out. Definitely worth the wait for that red glow.
  • Focus Mode - Wound Breaker: Hold LT to enter Focus Mode. Spot a glowing wound? Break it with RB Long Swords get a Spirit Gauge increase for wound breaking – a priority way to Helm Breaker city.
  • Counter Like a Pro: Counters are your best friend for fast gauge building.
    • Foresight Slash: After any basic attack, Y + B dodges back with a quick slice that charges your gauge. So easy to use, very effective.
    • Iai Spirit Slash: Advanced RT + A for Special Sheathe, then RT to counter an attack. Counter plus skip first parts of Spirit Blade combo to get to the good stuff quicker.

Low-Rank Domination: Gear Up for Success

Alright, so gear Here's a progression path to keep your Long Sword hunter strong through Low Rank. We're after damage, survival, and proper flow of Long Sword combos.

Weapon Progression

Weapon Why it's Great When to Get It
Barina Flamberge I Paralysis! Locks monsters down for easy combos. Early game powerhouse. Craft after defeating Lala Barina in Scarlet Forest.
Rey Tonitrus I Focus skill for faster Spirit Gauge charging. Punishing Draw for extra oomph on counters. Craft after defeating Rey Dau in Windward Plains.
Bone Shotel III High raw damage, Focus and Attack Boost skills. Back to basics power! Craft later in Low Rank, requires Tough Guardian Bone (Arkveld/Zoh Shia).

Armor Progression

Armor Set/Pieces Key Skills & Why They Matter When to Aim For
Quetramice Set (Helm, Mail, Braces) + Chainmail (Belt, Pants) Flinch Free (Level 3): Less interruptions during combos. Recovery Speed: Faster health recover. Early game, after Quetramice and basic materials.
Ingot Helm + Doshaguma (Mail, Braces) + Balahara (Coil, Greaves) Divine Blessing: Damage reduction. Recovery Speed: Faster healing. Doshaguma's Might (Set Bonus): Attack boost after power clashes/offsets (Iai Spirit Slash!). Evade Extender: Longer dodges. Mid Low Rank, after Doshaguma and Balahara materials.
Guardian Ebony (Helm, Braces, Coil) + Ajarakan (Mail, Greaves) Burst: Damage increase with continuous attacks (perfect for Long Sword combos!). Ebony Odogaron's Power (Set Bonus): Extends Burst, +Attack. Partbreaker: Easier part breaks, increased wound damage. Late Low Rank/Endgame, after Guardian Ebony Odogaron and Ajarakan materials.

Follow this gear path, practice your combos and counters, and you'll be slicing through Low Rank in Monster Hunter Wilds, all the way with style and ease. Get out and hunt

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